انتقال upx


سلام وقتتون بخیر  من برای شارژ کردن اکانتم در اپلند گزینه ده دلاری رو انتخاب کردم ولی اشتباهی 50 دلار بیت کوین وارد وارد بازی اپلند کردم. ده دلار وارد بازی شد و حسابم ده دلار شارژ شد ولی چهل دلارم برگشت نخورده است با پشتیبانی چت کردم یه ایمیل بهم زده و متوجه نشدم باید چکار کنم و متن ایمیل این است ممنون میشم راهنمایی کنید 

Hi 32 - انتقال upx

Utrust function is to process payments and in this case you have a pending refund that you must collect, we don\’t have custody over our merchant sites.

After collecting your refund if you wish you can place a new order with the merchant in question.

For now, you must follow the steps provided in my previous contact as the process is completely automated for a refund.

Hope this information clarifies any doubt.

Kind Regards,


ali.mahdavi Answered question فوریه 19, 2022
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Alina from Utrust <alina.lopes@utrust.com> Feb 10, 2022, 9:28 PM (9 days ago) cleardot - انتقال upx cleardot - انتقال upx to me cleardot - انتقال upx

Hi 32 - انتقال upx

I hope to find you well!

I have checked the payment and you did an overpayment, in other words you paid more than the order cost and therefore we have a refund pending for you to collect.

Our platform automatically sends you a refund email (you may attempt to search “Refund” in your inbox or spam) in which the refund address is requested.

The process is fully automatized in order to avoid delays and as far as I can see you should have the refund email in your inbox or spam folder.

  • The refund email is sent to the email associated with the order
  • Search “Refund” in your inbox or spam
  • Refund address is requested
  • Be mindful of double-checking the address provided for refund is correct, as after being initiated it can’t be reverted.

Let me know if you need further assistance.

Kind Regards,

AlinaLet me know if you need further assistance.

Kind Regards,


Reply in our Messenger

You may need to sign in to Utrust again.

You can also reply directly to this email.

Intercom avatar1 1631096752 - انتقال upx Alina from Utrust On Thu, Feb 10, 2022 at 11:43 AM, “anisa.mahdavi.crypto@gmail.com” <anisa.mahdavi.crypto@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello, I transferred bitcoin from coinex exchange to 001212888 to Upland, but less than this amount, my account was charged and the rest of my money was not returned. On Sat, Feb 5, 2022 at 12:36 PM, “Trusty” <operator@utrust-f347ca91610e.intercom-mail.com> wrote:

You’ll be notified here and by email (anisa.mahdavi.crypto@gmail.com) On Sat, Feb 5, 2022 at 12:36 PM, “anisa.mahdavi.crypto@gmail.com” <anisa.mahdavi.crypto@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi, I first wanted to enter $ 10 in App Land. In the store, I chose the $ 9.99 option, and I did not notice through Quinx Exchange. I entered Bitcoin equivalent to $ 50. My total $ 50 was not deposited in App Land. Do not return, thank you for your help

حسین قدیری Edited answer فوریه 19, 2022
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